Daily Math Wall {Free} Printable :)

Last summer is kind of a blur for me.  After my sweet sister's death & a little surgery I was very much in a fog.  While it was difficult, there were several highlights that I will never forget!  My bestie and I traveled to Colorado and had the most amazing time driving around and spending great time with her {my unofficially adopted} family.

Toward the end of last summer, I started working on some Pinterest inspired projects. One of which was this "MathWall" that I absolutely used every single day of first grade.  You can see the post about that by clicking here. Looking at it now, it seems so goofy looking but honestly, we used it every day!
Since this summer has been one of serious renewal, relaxation, travel, time with friends and family, and just an all around FABULOUS summer, I have been anxiously Pinteresting all over the place these last couple weeks before school starts back up.  The Math Wall has now become the "Daily Math" wall & I typed it all up so that I could print it and glue it down on a fresh new poster board. 
Here's the one we used last year:
And Now the New & Improved:
I am so excited! 
Looking at it here I can kind of see little pieces that I wish were straighter or spaced better but whatever.  I'm still excited!  :)
For the Piggy Bank Money we take the # of the day (number of days in school) and use coins to build that amount.  Believe it or not we kept it going all year long.  I really think it helped the munchkins be able to count mixed coins more easily.  We just drew circles with the number identifying the amount of each coin inside the little piggie.  Worked like a charm!
I took off the "tally marks" and the patterning strips from the old version because thanks to this incredible blogger at Teacher Bits & Bobs, I printed an entire set of "Math Wall" posters for FREE to use alongside the new and improved daily math thingie bobber.  Click the link and check them out.  I plan to interchange them as needed.
I realize that you folks who love all these colorful patterned classroom tools will have issues with my black & white (with little scatters of pink & purple) version of this.  My thinking is that I don't want to be too busy with colors & patterns.  I printed them on white and stuck them to a black piece of poster board but that doesn't mean you have to. 
Print them on color, back the individual pieces with your favorite chevron scrapbook paper, or simply color some of them in with crayon before you laminate.  Whatever you choose to do, just make it yours & enjoy! 
Click the pic below to grab your free copy.  I hope you find it useful! 
With happiness,
Jen ♥


  1. Thank you so much for making this calendar math headings. I will enjoy using it!

  2. Do you do this as a class together? Or does one student whose job it is complete it, then you check/go over together? I think it would be a great idea to have individual ones for students to complete at their seats as morning work.


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