Interactive Math Websites for Firsties :)

Welcome back to the real world!  I'm struggling to get back into the routine of life in the world since Christmas vacation.  I'm not in the least little bit ashamed that I am completely addicted to my happy clothes.  Jammie pants never felt so good as when I came home Friday afternoon and literally crashed in those heavenly, non-squishy, cotton pants of happiness!  :)

Anyhow, I digress.... 

I've been digging around online to find interactive websites to keep the kiddos engaged and happy during our center times.  I've found a few that I thought I would share because they are so good & totally free.  I plan to model them whole group first, and then put them into a center rotation on the SMARTboard and our classroom computers.

Wonderful site for telling time but can be tricky!  The first "Telling the Time" is perfect for firsties! :)
The kids LOVE this interactive site for comparing greater than/less than.  It takes them all the way to #'s in the thousands and they get tickled when they can actually do it1  Fun times to be had by all.  :)

Compare number values at one of my favorite sites for the munchkins!
Time game at ABCya:  Kiddos can manipulate the clocks, both analog & digital.

Math Interactive Flash Cards Online

 I'm fighting the urge to lay on the couch with my new Kindle Paperwhite & the free movie channel previews on Dish right now so I may or may not create/post some new stuff for munchkins... I'm leaning towards the "may not."

Have a great week!!

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